The Role of Discrete Emotions on Athletes’ Religiosity

  • Miltiadis Proios Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Keywords: Discrete emotions, Religious faith, Religious schemas, Sport


The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of discrete emotions in sport settings on religiosity athletes’, as well as the effect of gender, experience, and type of sport in shaping religiosity and discrete emotions. For the purpose of the study 258 athletes (male, n = 180; female, n = 78) were used. They participated a at team and individual sports, with their age ranging from 18 to 27 years (M = 19.78, SD = 1.87) and their experience ranged from 2 to18 years (M = 10.19, SD = 3.23). Participants filled out three questionnaires: Sport Emotion Questionnaire (SEQ), Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire (SCSRFQ), and Religious Schema Scale (RSS). Results did not show any influence of emotions on the strength religious faith of athletes’ except on religious styles that are related to fairness, tolerance & rational choice, and xenosophia & inter-religious dialog.
